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About Us

Brittany grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, and decided to become an Arkansan at 18 years old when she moved to Searcy to study Advertising at Harding University. She and her husband moved to Hot Springs in 2009 and have three children. Sometimes known as Cosmo, Brittany was heard from time to time on radio stations in Central Arkansas during her first job out of college. Some things that bring a smile to her face are meeting new people and hearing their stories, traveling, her mini-van, the outdoors and chocolate milkshakes.


Having called states in the West and East home, Christine moved to Arkansas with her husband and three kids in 2017. After co-owning and operating a business in Colorado, she was excited to take on a new opportunity in the Natural State. With a degree from Brigham Young University in Humanities and Art History, Christine uses her passion for art and design to help businesses stand out. Along with art, she loves watching and playing sports, reading historical fiction, going on family bike rides and eating churros.


We are two stay-at-home moms who crossed paths in the spring of 2018 over lunch with mutual friends. Volunteering together for our children’s school showed us how much we are alike in our work ethic, organization and desire to help others. While loving on our families is a top priority, we knew we wanted something to be “ours” and to have a place where we could be creative. Apple Blossom Marketing was born.

As our customer, you will receive a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our goal is to make you proud of your presence in the community and to be a positive voice for your company. At Apple Blossom we are making business bloom!

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